Jennifer's QuickBooks Corner

Covering QuickBooks, tax, other accounting issues, and other useful business items.

Published by Solid Rock Accounting Services
Jennifer A. Thieme, Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor

Friday, September 21, 2007

QB Never Do #6

Never use the Write Checks screen to record a Bill Payment.

"Bill Payments" in QB are a very specific function. They occur after bills have been entered. The correct procedure is this:

1. Receive bills from vendors.
2. Record them into QB using the Enter Bills screen.
3. When it is time to pay the bill, record the payment using the Pay Bills screen.

After recording a bill payment using these steps, go to the check register in QB and find it there. You will see it as a unique type: BILLPMT, rather than CHK.

In step 3, if the Write Checks screen is used instead of the Pay Bills screen, the bill will remain outstanding in QB. The check will be recorded as a CHK in the register, not a BILLPMT.

If you find that you have recorded bill payments using the Write Checks screen, talk to your accountant. Fixing the problem depends on how you originally recorded the CHK.


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